Dear Friends and Partners in Lao Mission,
My last trip to Laos was quite eventful. I was encouraged to see God’s
hands in many lives and many places. Most of all, I was jaw dropping at
what had happened in Laos. In some cases, our pastors just received phone
calls from people asking them to go and help them to know God. Our MP3
devices and radio have also made wonders in rural areas where it is too
hard to access. Several groups have sprung up here and there and we will
need to visit them later. The growth phenomenon is exciting and yet it
creates challenges for the mission field. How can we care for our members,
especially in rural areas? In Laos, we have growth in both cities and
rural areas. We also have growth among formerly unreached tribes. This
means that we need to educate more ethnic pastors to shepherd their own
tribes. These challenges are too much for an infant mission field like
Laos. So, please pray for us that the Lord will provide young people to be
trained as pastors and also for scholarships to send them to study. For
further information about the Lord’s work in Laos and backdated issues of
our newsletters please visit our website below.
May the Lord richly bless you. I count as a blessing to have you as a
friend and partner in God’s work in Laos.
Best regards
K. Phetchareun
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